Journal of the Canadian Historical Association

June, 2022

“Cheryl Thompson author of Black ‘Minstrelsy on Canadian Stages: Nostalgia for Plantation Slavery in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries’ in JCHA/RSHC 31 no.1


Open Book

April 14, 2021

“I Had Internalized the Belief That the Stories I Could Tell Had No Audience”

Open Book

June 5, 2019

Cheryl Thompson on the Complicated History of the Black Beauty Industry in Canada


Memorial University

November 23, 2021

The Nexus Centre hosted Beyond the Peer-Reviewed Article: Creative Approaches to Research Dissemination as part of Memorial University's Research Week 2021. This engaging panel features four scholar-creatives who work both within and beyond the boundaries of the peer-reviewed

Queen’s Faculty of Education

February 3, 2021

Recording of "A Conversation with Dr. Cheryl Thompson", presented on February 3, 2021. Dr. Cheryl Thompson, Assistant Professor, Ryerson University joins us for a Q&A about her work, including her forthcoming book Uncle: Race, Nostalgia, and the Politics of Loyalty.

Aurora Public Library

Author Visits: Black History Month | February 4, 2021

Dr. Cheryl Thompson's books include "Beauty in a Box: Detangling the Roots of Canada's Black Beauty Culture" and "Uncle: Race, Nostalgia, and the Politics of Loyalty. Presentation, reading and Q&A In celebration of Black History Month

Ryerson University

Fashion Studies Launch | November 27, 2020

In this discussion I join Fashion Studies Co-Founders and Co-Editors Dr. Ben Barry and Dr. Alison Matthews David and follow contributors Shawkay Ottmann, Dr. Ellen Sampson, and Philip Sparks to discuss my article, “From Venus to "Black Venus" Beyoncé's I Have Three Hearts, Fashion, and the Limits of Visual Culture.”


Witness to History: Conversation with Leading Scholars

November 26, 2020

The first day of the 2020 Canada’s History Forum featured a conversation with leading scholars who discussed some of the challenges and opportunities facing our society during this time.

Towards a Collaborative Future

November 10, 2020

Presented by Dr. Miranda Campbell’s Creative Communities in Collaboration Lab, this discussion focused on the narratives and counter-narratives that emerge from archives.


Mpoe Mogale and Cheryl Thompson: Blackness, Beauty Standards and Performances

MacEwen University: It's About Time

November 3, 2020

Mpoe Mogale, a local artist and dancer, discusses It’s About Time and more with scholar, assistant professor and Toronto-based writer, Cheryl Thompson, author of Beauty in a Box: Detangling the Roots of Canada’s Black Beauty Culture. Thompson’s current SSHRC-funded research aims to examine Canada’s history of blackface performance at the theatre, in the community and as advertised in the newspapers.

Campbell House Museum

August 24, 2018

Storytelling brings life to collective beliefs, ideas, knowledge and values; it connects people, inspiring them to recall aspects of their history and to see different perspectives. Our stories provide an intangible link to the past which continues to shape our communities today. Toronto is a city with many stories – capturing the complete story of this city is an exciting challenge. In this discussion we hope to explore how the narrative of Toronto’s story changes when different voices add their stories. Moderator: Cheryl Thompson Panelists: Maggie Hutcheson, John Lorinc.